12 Tickborne Diseases
12 Tickborne Diseases In our last post, we covered how ticks can cause an allergic reaction to red meat. Here are 12 other diseases spread by ticks throughout the U.S., via the CDC: 1. Anaplasmosis ...
Ticks Causing Strange Red-Meat Allergy
Ticks Causing Strange Red-Meat Allergy Georgette Simmons, a 71 year old woman from Tennessee, helped celebrate her friend’s birthday at a steakhouse. She woke up around 4:30am covered in hives, descr ...
Which Renovation is the Best Investment?
Which Renovation is the Best Investment? The return on investment (ROI) into home renovations is dependent upon many different factors including the value of your house, the average home’s value in y ...
Chikungunya Virus Spreads to U.S.
Chikungunya Virus Spreads to U.S. Firstly, dying from a chikungunya infection is highly unlikely. Unfortunately, if you contract it, there is no cure other than time, and depending on your age and yo ...
5 Reasons To Get a Building Permit Before Your Next Renovation
5 Reasons to Get a Building Permit Before Your Next Renovation Obtaining a permit is very simple. Just call your city or town building department or check your town’s website. If you aren’t sure who ...
What is the Best Decking Material?
What is the Best Decking Material? Between materials ranging from different types of wood to a wide variety of composites (primarily consisting of a mixture of wood and plastics), the simple act of d ...
The Benefits of Adding a Pergola to Your Home
The Benefits of Adding a Pergola to Your Home If you’re looking to add something visually interesting to your landscaping, a cedar pergola will provide an aesthetic centerpiece to your home’s exterio ...
Top 5 Ways to Avoid Mosquitoes
Top 5 Ways to Avoid Mosquitoes 1. Know What Plants to Grow Rosemary - contains compounds with insect-repellent activities; primarily camphor and borneol. Catnip (Nepeta cataria) - According to so ...
How Concrete Pavers are Made
How Concrete Pavers are Made Interlocking concrete pavers (also known as segmental pavers) have been used for thousands of years, but it wasn’t until the 1940s that concrete was used in their mass-pr ...
Outdoor Fireplace & Fire Pit Maintenance
Outdoor Wood-Burning Fireplace Maintenance Be sure to keep undergrowth around the fireplace down. It’s not only a fire hazard, but can also deteriorate the outdoor fireplace itself. If you chip ...